Why Do Tulips Need Chill Hours?

Why Do Tulips Need Chill Hours?

JANUARY 19 2024 ROWENA MCDERMOTT,  Owner of Moonstruck Farms has been growing in Southern California for over 30 years.

Why Do Tulips Need Chill Hours?

Chill Hours is what creates the magic of Spring.  Without the proper amount of chill hours flower bulbs cannot reach their full potential.  Chill hours are the number of hours spent below 45 degrees.

How Many Chill Hours Do Tulips Require? 

A predetermined amount of chill hours is required for flower bulbs in order to build large root systems, and create blooms in the Spring and Summer.  Tulips require 6 to 10 weeks of chill hours at 35 to 45 degrees. 

How Many Chill Hours Do Daffodils Require? 

Daffodils require 10-14 weeks of chill hours from 35 to 45 degrees in order to stimulate the response to set strong roots and develop the bulb for future blooms in the Spring.  

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